Did you know that well-irrigated spaces are cooler than non-irrigated spaces? Some parks are irrigated more than others and that’s why you may notice temperature differences. In fact, dry ground can be just as hot as bitumen and fake grass can be even hotter.
The article from SAWater writes on how important is water management and regularly watered parks for providing a cooler environment for the community. Parks that are watered regularly reduce the temperature of the local area. An interactive map was created to tell the community the best locations to keep cool. See if you can find the “coolest” park near you, or search for a new park you may not have been before.
Find a fountain with our BYOB app
SA Water’s BYOB app enables you to search for nearby drinking fountains and bottle filling stations wherever you are in South Australia. Whether you need a quick drink, to fill your bottle, or quench your dog’s thirst, the app will help you find the fountain you need – and get you there with clear directions via an interactive map. To find out more and download the app check our BYOB: Bring your own Bottle page.
Further information
Did you know that well-irrigated spaces are cooler than non-irrigated spaces? Some of the parks on the maps are irrigated more than others and that’s why you may notice temperature differences. In fact, dry ground can be just as hot as bitumen and fake grass can be even hotter.
To find out more tips on how to keep cool, check out our Cooling Living in your garden page.
We are working together with Adelaide airport to use water for cooling around the runway. This exciting trial has shown temperature reductions can reduce the cost of running cooling towers, and fuel used for airplanes to take off. You can apply the same cooling principles at home.
How to make your park cooler?
Parks’ maintenance goes beyond keeping the grass greener. A well-maintained park can control the local temperature in warmer weather and provide greater environmental services for the community. Year by year, local governments have been investing in smart city solutions that can increase climate resilience and provide better services for community development.
The city of Las Vegas, for example, has a population of more than 600,000 and the larger Las Vegas metropolitan area has a population of more than 2 million, there is much to manage in the city environs, from public transportation to parking and traffic as well as streetlights and public safety.
For leaders in the public sector, the Internet of Things can address some of these city challenges by automating processes, reducing costs and generating data for better decision making.
Sensoterra is a worldwide leader in soil moisture sensors deployed in activities such as landscaping, smart cities, agriculture, and horticulture. Moved by LoRaWAn connectivity, the sensors can optimize irrigation schedules in urban and rural areas via the Sensoterra app.
Our partnership with ConnectedGreen – a smart system for remote monitoring of green projects that consists of smart sensors, a Cloud environment and user-friendly apps for both clients and contractors – is responsible for installing sensors all over the Netherlands and Belgium for landscape management.

Contact us for a time to meet! For more information, please send us an email: [email protected]